Dear Valued Customers and Suppliers, 

As the COVID-19 response continues to be dynamic, Seal Company Enterprises, Inc. (Sealco) continues to look at the potential impacts to our operations and supply chains. The most potential impacts are being driven by various states and localities implementing shelter-in-place or shutdown orders. 

Shelter-in-place or shutdown orders have an exclusion for businesses deemed as vital to the operation or support of our nation’s “Critical Infrastructure” sectors. Information about Critical Infrastructure guidelines can be found at the following websites: 

Sealco is an essential supplier to several Critical Infrastructure sectors including: 

  • Chemical 
  • Defense Industrial Base 
  • Energy 
  • Food and Agriculture 
  • Nuclear Reactors, Materials, and Waste 
  • Transportation 
  • Water and Wastewater 

Based on this determination, all Sealco locations will remain open to serve the vital areas of our national economy and infrastructure. We have taken all recommended preventative measures to ensure the safety of our workforce, enabling us to provide an uninterrupted source of supply to users of our products. 

Most of our suppliers have determined that they fall within a critical infrastructure designation and will remain open. Sealco will proactively monitor our suppliers’ status and we will notify customers of potential impacts to supply. 

If you have any questions related to this notice, please reach out to your normal Sealco point of contact for more information. 


Your Sealco Team 

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