With today’s fast paced, integrated production lines, identification marks are crucial to differentiate between visually similar O-rings. Likewise, it is equally important that customers be able to identify the manufacturer to ensure traceability and avoid receiving imitation or counterfeit seals.

Parker O-Ring Division now offers non-permanent custom part markings to serve the needs of customers in every industry. From a simple logo to the customer’s custom part number, Parker can provide a special non-permanent marking that fits your needs best. The uses are broad enough to accommodate any market and application, from general assembly lines to critical hydraulic valves. The markings are non-permanent so O-ring performance and properties are not effected. The markings are peformed in an enclosed, dedicated, climate controlled cell.
- Any size O-ring can be marked
- Molded shapes, after proper review, can also be marked
- No minimum or maximum quantities
- Mark can be up to 2 inches long
- Is only limited by the cross section of the part number
For leak troubleshooting assistance, contact us today at: Tulsa: 1 (888) SEALTUL; OKC: 1 (888) OKCSEAL; Houston: (833) TX5-SEAL.
Success Story
A large construction equipment manufacturer
The customer needed their O-rings marked with their part number for identification in production and aftermarket sales.
Parker’s Value Added Service:
Parker was able to offer a short- ened value chain to the customer by having the capacity to mark parts in-house. This eliminated shipping parts out to a 3rd party and reduced the number of suppliers. Also, having Parker, the manufacturer, mark the parts directly reduces the opportunity for handling and ordering errors. And finally, not having to move O-rings from one supplier to another eliminates freight; and a shorter value chain means less money tied up in inventory.
Through the value added services of its Parker store, Parker was able to shorten the customer’s value chain, save time, money and logistics, reduce errors and alleviate a major supply chain interruption caused by a distressed supplier.
Problem Solved! Is a publication of Parker Hannifin Corporation.