Quality Requirements

Quality Clauses and The Quality Clauses from:

  • Q1 through Q9 apply to ALL Purchase Orders.
  • Q10 through Q18 apply when referenced in the text of the purchase order.

Q1: Quality Management System

  1. Quality ManagementSystem. The supplier shall maintain a quality management system(QMS) that meets the requirements of ISO9001:2015 or AS9100. The QMS is subject to a quality review by Seal Company Enterprises Inc. unless a third-party registration can be provided.
  2. Quality Management System for Distributors. The Distributor shall maintain a quality management system to ensure the products or services they provide meet the requirements of the Purchase Order. Raw material and/or certification from the manufacturer shall be maintained by the distributor for at least ten (10) years and shall be made available to SEALCO upon request.

Q2: Certificate of Compliance

Each shipment shall contain a Certificate of Compliance indicating that the product and/or material have been manufactured, inspected, and/or tested, and meet the requirements of the Industry, Mil-Spec, or Customer specification. The minimum information on the Certificate of Compliance shall include the following: 1) date, 2) purchase order number,3) supplier’s name, 4) part number, drawing number, 5) batch/lot number, or heat number (whichever applies to the instance) 6) cure/mfg. date, 7) expiration date, 8) country of origin, 9) original physical properties. 10) When requested on the PO certifications must also state the Industry, Mil-Spec, or Customer specification including revision. 11) Seal Company Purchase Order should be on all documents 12) Seal Company Part Number if applicable and 13) Shelf Life for the item purchased (a chart of all products can be substituted in, if it is more convenient).

An authorized representative of the supplier’s quality organization must sign and date this certificate. A copy of this certificate shall accompany a packing slip, a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) and/or a Chemical and Physical Analysis Report.

Distributors only. A copy of a Certificate of Conformance from the distributor specifying date code, lot/batch code or serial number(s), country of origin and the manufacturer’s name shall be shipped with each order. Where Seal Company Enterprises Inc. supplies the material for this order, the supplier shall certify on each shipment that the supplier has not made any unauthorized substitutions of the material. SEALCO Quality Assurance must approve any substitution of material, size and/or shape.

Q3: Raw Materials / Limited Shelf Life Material

Where the supplier supplies raw material directly to Seal Company Enterprises Inc., the supplier shall assure that the material is manufactured and distributed by sources approved by Seal Company Enterprises Inc. and/or SEALCO customers. All materials shall be rohs and reach compliant as well as mercury free.

The supplier shall identify each item, package or container with the date of manufacture and shelf life expiration. In no case shall material be supplied with less than 60% of its shelf life remaining without prior written approval from Seal Company Enterprises Inc. Seal Company Enterprises Inc. Quality Assurance must approve any substitution of material, size and/or shape. Variance to this policy can be given by Engineering or the Quality Manger at Seal Company for certain instances or exceptions if needed or lead time is drastically affected.

Q4: Traceability

Lot traceability is required and must be maintained on all raw materials delivered to Seal Company Enterprises Inc.

Q5: Right of Access to all Facilities

Seal Company Enterprises Inc., SEALCO customer and/or Government or Regulatory authority reserves the right to review control methods and inspect material included in this order at the supplier’s facility and at any sub-tier facilities. Access rights shall be extended to Seal Company Enterprises Inc. Customers and/or Government or Regulatory authorities.

Q6: Shipments, Deliveries and Packing

Seal Company Enterprises Inc. reserves the right to defer payment on advance deliveries until scheduled delivery dates. No over shipments accepted without prior approval in writing. Loss of or damage to any goods not packed in such a manner as to insure proper protection to same shall be borne by Supplier.

Hazardous Materials

Hazardous materials, as defined by the EPA, shall be packaged and clearly identified in such a manner as to include any and all special handling, packaging, storage, environmental, or other requirements imposed by statute or regulation.

Q7: Nonconforming Material Control

During performance against this purchase order, any nonconforming material/product must be submitted and reported to Seal Company Enterprises Inc. immediately. No deviation will be considered approved without written confirmation of the fact from Seal Company Enterprises Inc. If any part of this purchase order is not in conformity with the requirements of this purchase order, Seal Company Enterprises Inc. may elect in its sole and reasonable discretion, a replacement of all nonconforming material/product at Supplier’s expense, including transportation charges and/or not to be replaced and with a full refund of all costs paid to Seal Company Enterprises Inc.

Q8: Corrective Action

Acceptance of this purchase order obligates the supplier to perform, upon request, a corrective action investigation when nonconforming material/product is received by the buyer. Supplier shall investigate the cause of each nonconformance, whether identified by supplier or by Seal Company Enterprises Inc. A written report shall be furnished, within ten (10) working days whenever SEALCO has identified a nonconformance to the supplier.

Q9: Quality Records

All quality records are to be legible, reproducible, and identifiable to the purchase order. Quality Records are to be stored and maintained in such a way that they are readily retrievable in facilities that provide a suitable environment to minimize deterioration or damage and to prevent loss. This applies to our suppliers and any sub-tier suppliers. Retention period for quality records should be a minimum of ten (10) years unless otherwise specified. Seal Company Enterprises Inc., our customers, Government or Regulatory authorities shall have access to review quality records as they pertain to this order.

Q10: First Article inspection

A First Article Inspection Report shall be required when the first production units are manufactured. The report shall include all drawing characteristics and notes, required tolerance range, actual measurement results, and where physical testing is required, the results of the test(s). PPAP, AS9102, and API, will be specified on the paperwork.

Q11: Government Inspection

If Government Inspection is required prior to shipment from your facility, upon receipt of this order, promptly notify the Government authority who normally serves your facility.

Q13: Test and Inspection Records

Test data readings and/or inspection measurements of materials on this order must be taken and documented as indicated below. Particular emphasis shall be given to those characteristics which cannot normally be inspected upon receipt at Seal Company Enterprises Inc. The above record shall be adequate to ascertain the quality level of required materials and of the production processes used in the manufacture of this order. The use of electronic media is encouraged. These records must be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years. Records must be legible, retrievable and accessible to SEALCO and/or SEALCO customers upon request.
  1. Inspection Measurements (Variable Data is preferred)
  2. Test Data
  3. Retain at Supplier
  4. Submit with shipment

Q 14: Standard Hardware Items

Where the supplier supplies hardware items (e.g., bolts, nuts, screws, etc.) of standard design (whether Industry Standard or SEALCO Customer Standard) and the hardware is controlled by a qualified producer’s list (QPL) the supplier shall provide a certificate of source of supply when the direct SEALCO supplier is not on the QPL. Where the SEALCO customer requires the distributor to be approved, then the supplier shall only use and or supply hardware from SEALCO customer approved distributor.

Supplier shall provide a certificate of supplier’s source of supply where the product is controlled by a qualified producer’s list (QPL) when the supplier is not on the QPL. Supplier should contact SEALCO Quality Assurance for assistance in assuring the source of standard hardware items is acceptable to SEALCO customers.

Q15: Special processing

If this order is for production work that includes special processes, the supplier shall use only those processors approved by SEALCO. Supplier should contact SEALCO Quality Assurance for assistance in assuring that supplier uses only approved processors. Original processor certification must be retained on file and traceable to end item products delivered to Seal Company Enterprises Inc.

All items delivered to Seal Company Enterprises Inc. must maintain Job/Lot traceability.

Q16: Certification of Ozone Depleting Substances

Supplier must provide one of the following certifications on each shipping document:
  1. The supplier certifies these goods were not manufactured with and do not contain ozone depleting substances.
  2. The supplier certifies these goods are in compliance with the ozone depleting substances labeling requirements under the US law. If certification to paragraph b is made, precautionary labeling must accompany the statement and must comply with 40CFR Part 82 Subpart E.

Q17: Certification of Calibration

The calibration service shall provide a certificate of calibration for each item calibrated. The certificate must include the certificate of calibration number, instrument ID number, description, model number/serial number, readings “as found condition” and “as left condition”, calibration date and the due date of the equipment/tools, and actual signature or identifying inspection stamp of the person who is certifying the calibration. The certificate must also include all equipment/standards used traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Q18: Statistical Process Control (SPC)

SPC shall be implemented and maintained as part of this purchase order agreement. The supplier’s SPC program shall be documented and include provisions for: selection and identification of key characteristics and/or processes, statistically based control charting, demonstration of continuous improvement, management supervision, corrective action, training, and flow down to sub-tier supplier. The requirement for and establishment of SPC key characteristics and/or key processes may be based on similar parts or processes. (when applicable)